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Acok 4.0 Troop Tree: A Comprehensive Guide to the Factions and Units in A Clash of Kings Mod

Stannis plans a naval assault aiming to overcome the city's small defensive fleet and land his troops at the walls of the city near the Mud Gate, unaware of Tyrion's plan. From the battlements, Joffrey berates Tyrion, demanding to know why his ships are not meeting Stannis's fleet. Tyrion has anticipated his strategy and does not field his fleet. Instead he sends a single ship filled with wildfire into the heart of Stannis's fleet, leaking the volatile substance over the surface of the water. Bronn has been awaiting Tyrion's signal outside the city on the shores of the bay, and when Tyrion drops a torch from the battlements, Bronn fires a flaming arrow triggering a massive explosion. The ensuing conflagration devastates Stannis's fleet and destroys the ship of Davos Seaworth, as well as killing Davos's son Matthos.

Acok 4.0 Troop Treel

Stannis responds by putting his men ashore inside row boats, landing further from the walls to avoid the still-burning inner bay. With less protection for his troops he predicts that thousands will die. He leads the assault personally and is the first to reach the walls. Tyrion orders Sandor to lead a sortie beyond the Mud Gate to repel the attackers. The Hound does as he is asked but is terrified and demoralized by the fire. Ser Lancel Lannister accompanies him and is wounded by an arrow. Bronn joins the fight in time to save the Hound, who is petrified by fear at the sight of burning men. The Hound retreats after losing half of his men and refuses to go out again. He demands wine and walks away from the battle and his place in the Kingsguard, after saying in the presence of all, including the king, "Fuck the Kingsguard. Fuck the city. Fuck the king."

Joffrey willingly leaves the defensive line with Lancel and charges Ser Mandon Moore and Ser Boros Blount of the Kingsguard to fight in the king's name. The gold cloaks' morale is broken by his departure. Tyrion steels himself to lead a sortie of his own; he rallies his men by telling them that if not for their king, kingdom, glory, or riches, to fight for their city, their homes, and their women, and gives them a final boost of morale by confidently saying "Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!" He leads his men through the tunnels beneath the city and is able to defeat Stannis's troops manning a battering ram at the Mud Gate. Tyrion is betrayed by Ser Mandon while fighting against a group of reinforcements: Mandon attacks Tyrion with the intent of killing him but misjudges the distance and only slashes Tyrion across the surface of his face with his sword. Before he can strike Tyrion again, Tyrion's squire Podrick Payne kills Ser Mandon from behind with his spear. Tyrion, barely conscious and held by Podrick, watches a battle that seems lost before losing consciousness. 2ff7e9595c

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